The story of Prince Gábor Báthory
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Historiography has a biased view of Gábor Báthory's character in certain respects, and paints his reign with too many black colors. It is customary to hold him responsible for everything regardless: even because the Hungarian lords openly conspired with him and secretly plotted his overthrow, and the porta made war on him with its usual perfidy. he is accused of breaching the peace, even though all his wars came from self-defense, he is painted as a mad tyrant, even though his cruelties did not stem from the conditions he recalled. Did I manage to rehabilitate Báthory? not completely: I don't know what I think is impossible, because he certainly didn't have ordinary mistakes, but at least enough that next year he would be measured not by bias, but by the scales of truth, but that was my definite goal. The rough features, the strong contours, which were applied with the silence of the motives and colored more vividly than they really are, to serve as evidence for the distortion of his character, naturally either faded away in this detailed biography or lost a large part of their sharpness. But instead of hair-raising and perhaps effective horrors, I wanted to give the real thing, the truth.
publisher | History Antique Bookstore |
writer | Szilágyi Sándor |
scope | 334 |
volume unit | oldal |
ISBN | 2050000026263 |
year of publication | 2011 |
binding | threaded, hardcover |